June 29, 2013

Boca Grande

Chelsey -

The fam and I took a little trip to Boca Grande today to search for a place to stay on Labor Day when the rest of the family come down. We didn't get to explore a whole lot since we weren't there long, so I cannot wait for the weekend we'll be there! The beach water is sooooo pretty oh my gosh! ♥‿♥ I'm hoping by the next time we are there, I'll have a brand new camera. *crosses fingers* Enjoy just a few pictures I took today.


Jessica said...

Can't wait to see it. The photos look pretty.

Chelsey said...

We didn't go far on the island, so Mom said we'll get to see more when we go again. And we will be bringing our bikes, so that will be fun! But it's sooo pretty just the little stuff we saw. I can't wait to see more beach.