June 1, 2011

Key Largo - Day 3

Chelsey -
April 30, 2011

Wedding day! First half of the day was doing nothing and sitting around the beach. Around 5 we left to do pictures with the bride and whatnot. The wedding ceremony wasn't that long and my sister messed up her wedding vows, which was funny. The dinner after was so good. It was catered (I don't even remember by who). I had fish and rice, which was delicious. I spent most of the dancing part talking to Krissy on Yahoo Messenger on my phone hehe. When it was time for the bride to throw the bouquet, I didn't want to get up because I knew I wasn't going to catch it. So my sister's husband came over and picked me up off my chair and made me come over lol! Later he came back and asked if I was mad at him and I said never. He was so funny!


Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

Um hello, you did not get the best part of the glass I worked hard on that graphic LOL!! I saw your link on FB cute site. I'm going to add it to my reader so I can keep up with you :o)

Chelsey said...

I got so happy I got 2 comments and you deleted one. I don't think any of my jar pictures had the graphic part in it lol. Oops! And thanks!! =D

Jessica said...

lol sorry I spelled a word wrong so I deleted it but now you have 2 comments. Well you still have the cups you can make up for lost time :o)

Chelsey said...

I'll have to take more pictures of it sometime! I want to drink pink lemonade or something in it.

Krissy said...

Oh my god I love how you have those few grouped together, soooooo pretty and cute!

Chelsey said...

Thaaaanks dear!!