I have not posted in quite some time and am about to post a lot! I
always want to go out and take pictures but never know where to go around here. Well the other day, I finally went on an adventure. I had a goal in mind to go out and take photos, but I can't post much from it because my goal was a present for someone. I doubt they would come here and see it but I better be safe.
Anyways, here is a different kind of post. I have had a
Pinterest for quite awhile but I have become addicted to it lately. Whenever I'm bored, It's where I go. Like everyone does, I always pin cool things I want to try, but never try them. I am getting better at it though. I am trying to grow out my hair and get it healthy, so I am currently trying coconut milk treatments. I laugh at myself, I really do. Recipes are the number one, "I have to try this but never really will!". I tried one the other night though and that is the purpose of this post. I'm writing too much so I'll finish inside the post...